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Audit sustainability reports

The Notes Auditor offers auditors a comprehensive platform for the efficient and precise auditing of sustainability reports.

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Your advantages

Current ESRS checklist

The ESRS checklist is based on EFRAG data points and is updated on an ongoing basis.

AI support

The AI generates answers to the questions on the checklist and makes your exam efficient.

Guided workfow

The Notes Auditor guides you step by step through the audit, ensuring completeness and consistency.


  • The scoping for the audit is based on the materiality test.
  • The complexity and scope of the audit are reduced.


  • Automatic documentation of audit activities
  • Simplified review through better traceability of the reviewed content

AI proposals

  • Intelligent answer suggestions through advanced AI
  • Acceleration of the testing process


Save time and money

  • Efficient Auditing: Simplify the auditing of sustainability reports.
  • Audit-proof: Ensure compliance with references to original documents.
  • Increased quality: Benefit from the combination of human expertise and artificial intelligence.
  • Full control: Maintain an overview of the entire inspection process.

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