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Deep Neuron Lab is part of the AI Campus Berlin

  • Since June 2021, DNL has its new office in the AI Campus in Berlin Mitte.
  • The AI Campus is a Berlin hub for AI innovation
  • Sponsored by the initiative K.I.E.Z. by "Science & Startups".

Deep Neuron Lab has had its office in the AI Campus in Berlin since June 2021. As a kind of hub of the German or European AI scene, the purpose-built building offers a place for up to 450 companies, researchers and experts working on new AI applications on 5,400 square metres. The campus is also intended to function as a hub for medium-sized and large companies. A space has been created that allows the right minds and ideas to connect and provides them with the right tools and networks to grow.

K.I.E.Z. is an initiative that helps founders in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) with scientific expertise as well as access to capital, industry partners and junior staff. They are provided by the incubators of the four Berlin universities, which have combined their services and support strategies under the umbrella of Science & Startups.

Press contact Deep Neuron Lab: 

Andreas Schindler 

Phone: +49 176 61529551 

Email: andreas@dnlab.de


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